Fraud Alert – Please note that we do NOT recruit on WhatsApp, if you’ve been contacted by someone from WhatsApp, they are not affiliated with us, it is a scam, please ignore.

The sectors we cover

Our expert advisors help job seekers and employers, recruiting within a range of trades and finding perfect matches for temporary and permanent positions.

Engineer looking at a digger arm
Carpenter working on roof

Permanent staffing sectors

We boast an excellent record of placing job seekers in permanent trade positions, as well as keeping employers satisfied with their recruits. If you are looking for work or for employees within the following industries throughout Canada and the United States, get in touch.

Our Sectors

Oil and gas refinery

Temporary staffing sectors

We represent a large variety of workers seeking skilled positions on a short-term basis or unskilled day labour in Western Canada. If you are a job seeker looking for work or a company seeking temporary staff, we want to help.