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Permanent General Manager Jobs in Canada and the US

Looking for a general manager job in Canada or the US? Or are you looking to hire a dependable general manager for your company? We place general managers in the jobs they want, as well as help companies find general managers to fill their vacancies.

General manager working with their team
General manager consulting with their team

Are you looking for a general manager job in Canada or the US?

Are you a professional general manager based in Canada or the US? We can place you into a job that suits you and your circumstances. If you are able to:

  • Manage and coordinate various departments and teams within the company
  • Develop and implement business strategies to achieve company goals
  • Oversee and manage budgets, financial statements, and performance reports
  • Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
  • And more!

We want to hear from you! Get in touch with one of our expert recruitment advisors today and let us find the best temporary job for you.

General manager checking clipboard

Do you need to hire a general manager in Canada or the US?

Are you an employer looking for a reliable general manager in Canada or the US? We will take care of the entire recruitment process for you. We are experts in reviewing management experience, which means we can identify who is qualified and suited to your role. 

We bring a refined understanding to the recruitment game, and are committed to understanding your needs as an employer. When you hire a general manager through us, you will be getting applicants that are:

  • Fully qualified and highly competent
  • Reliable with a positive attitude
  • Adaptable and able to hit the ground running
  • Hard working and willing to get the job done

If you are looking to hire permanent or contract general managers across Canada and the US, then we are the best place for you. Or, if you want to hire workers from a different sort of profession, take a look at the different industries we cover here.